1.1. General provisions.

Terms of this Cookie Policy are applicable to the Website.

Purpose of this Policy is (1) informing on a list of Cookie files used and automatically uploaded to a User's device; and (2) notifying on purposes of installation and usage of such Cookie files, as also dates on expiration/installation of such files on a User's device; and (3) informing a User on methods to disable Cookie files and/or their deleting from a device.

Every user is entitled to access the text of this Policy following the link:

Information set forth herein is an integral part of Privacy Policy of this website, which is available for a User from the following the link:

Should a User has any questions regarding this Policy and/or Cookie files functioning, a User can address his/her question to the Right holder via the following method:

Send out a request to an e-mail address:

If a User does not agree and/or he/she does not understand certain terms of this Policy, he/she shall immediately stop using the Website.

1.2. Definitions.

'Cookie files' mainly mean small pieces of data, which are stored on a computer, a tablet, a cell phone or other User's device and allows recording certain information during the course of any visit to the Website, interacting with service units, applications, tools and sending or receiving messages to identify a User regardless of a device being used.

'User' means an individual or entity, which uses the Website and/or accesses it.

'Right holder' means a person on which name the Website has been registered:

SE Sotnikova Nadezhda Yu.

TID 222507948500, Address: 656043, Barnaul, Partizanskaya str, bld.81

Contact info:

'Website' means an information item in the Internet, resource comprised of web-pages (documents), which are united by common subject and connected with each other via links. The Website is registered to the Right holder and mandatory linked to the specific domain, which is its address. This Policy is developed for the following website:


2.1 Usage purposes

The Right holder uses Cookie files to achieve the following purposes:

(1) for publishing advertisements by third parties on the Website and/or tracking information on Users for targeted advertising and analysis on the Website using.

(2) for analysis of visiting the website by Users, identifying the efficiency of advertising content and its popularity among Users.

(3) for certain Website sections/pages functioning (where usage of Cookie files is essential).

(4) to improve the Website's usability and navigation in it.

(5) to improve the interaction of the Website and Users.

(6) to improve service quality and provide with maximum convenience and comfort while using the Website.

2.2 Types of collected information

The Right holder does not Cookie file to identify Users and exclusively meant to determine methods on how Users use the Website.

The Right holder may collect the following information on Users via Cookie files:

(1) IP address, browser type and device type with which accessing the Website; and

(2) operating system and information on the Internet provider; and

(3) information in a country, from where it is accessed; and

(4) date and time of visiting the Website and potential number of clicks made by a User.


Following with standard classifications, there are following type of Cookie files at present:

(1) Cookie technical files. They are essential for continuous and reliable functioning of the Website. Disabling that type of Cookie files may result in limiting a User's access to specific functional capacities of the Website.

(2) Cookie statistical files. They are required for tracking sections/pages of the Website visited by a User as also revealing potential errors in the Website's functioning. Information on Users collected by that type of Cookie files is anonymous and required for effectively maintaining and updating the Website, as also providing a User with targeted content.

(3) Cookie behavior files. The are required to collect information on search requests of a User and his/her preferred choices to conduct market researches and/or other marketing researches aiming to followed-up provision of personalized marketing and advertising content to a User.

(4) Third parties and their cookie files. They are required for the following purposes: (a) collecting information by analytics platforms on the Website visiting by Users, User's profiling and analysis of functioning efficiency of the Website and market strategy; and (b) provision of personalized advertising and/or market content via third parties (marketing platforms or agencies) to a User on the Website and/or websites of third parties.

While functioning, the Website uses the following Cookie files belonging to the Right holder:


While functioning, the Website may use the following Cookie files belonging to third parties:



4.1 General provisions

When accessing the Website, a User agrees the Website uses the Cookie files in the following manner:


Every User can disable Cookie files on a device accessing the Website at any time and/or delete Cookie files already downloaded to a device. If a User does not wish to disable functioning the Cookie files and/or remove pre-downloaded Cookie files, none extra actions are required from a User in this instance.

Please note that the Right holder makes every effort that the Website use is available for a User without downloading any Cookie files. However, the Right holder does not guarantee that such Cookie files will not be uploaded at all due to technical and functional specifics of the Website.

Cookie files can be stored on a User's device from few hours to few days or years depending on a type of downloaded/used Cookie files.

4.2 Procedure to disable cookie files

User can disable Cookie files functioning on the Website via taking actions as the following:


User can also disable Cookie files functioning and/or totally delete them via changing setting of his/her browser (it is also possible to delete/disable of cookie files installed by other websites):

(1) For Google Chrome, it is necessary to change parameters and configuration of a browser complying with the following directions available at link:

(2) For Firefox, it is necessary to change parameters and configuration of a browser complying with the following directions available at link:

(3) For Internet Explorer, it is necessary to change parameters and configuration of a browser complying with the following directions available at link:

(4) For Safari, it is necessary to change parameters and configuration of a browser complying with the following directions available at link: